Bourbon and History
Welcome to Bourbon and History! In this podcast, historian and author Nicholas Kane combines his passion for fine bourbon with his passion for American history. From a series ranking America's presidents to episodes discussing interesting and relevant topics from our nations past, Bourbon and History is THE podcast for all things history.
40 episodes
1.46: #1a George Washington
At long last we have arrived at the top president in the presidential rankings! As America’s first president, Washington faced the monumental task of forming the nation’s new federal government, and establishing the norms and customs surroundin...
Season 1
Episode 46

1.45: #1b Abraham Lincoln
Undoubtedly, Abraham Lincoln was one of Americas greatest presidents. From his dirt-poor upbringings, Lincoln would rise in Illinois state politics to become a U.S. Congressmen in 1847. After sparring with Senator Stephen Douglas in the 1858 Il...
Season 1
Episode 45

1.44: #2 Franklin D. Roosevelt
As the nations longest serving president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, or FDR, was forced to tackle the monumental task of rescuing the country from the depths of the Great Depression. After enacting a wide-range of legislative initiatives to rescue ...
Season 1
Episode 44

1.43: Topics in History #4: The Declaration of Independence
On this day 246 years ago, the Declaration of Independence was presented by the Continental Congress, officially severing all ties between the 13 American colonies and Great Britain. The Declaration, written mostly by Virginian Thomas Jefferson...
Season 1
Episode 43

1.42: #3 Dwight D. Eisenhower
The general-turned-president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, served during a remarkable transition in American history. After emerging victorious from the Second World War, the United States found itself as a global superpower charged with preserving an...
Season 1
Episode 42

1.41: Topics in History #3: Judicial Review
The Supreme Court wasn’t always the powerful third branch of government it is today. In the Courts early years, individuals rarely wanted to serve on the Court, and the institution itself had vague, Ill-defined powers. It wasn’t until the appoi...
Season 1
Episode 41

1.40: #4 Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt has become one of the most influential and well-known presidents to ever hold office. Coming to power after the assassination of William McKinley in 1901, Roosevelt embarked upon a crusade to transform the very founda...
Season 1
Episode 40

1.39: #5 William McKinley
William McKinley is one of the most overlooked presidents in US history. But his five years in office helped shape the modern United States as it entered the twentieth century, and for the first time, expanded beyond the borders of North Americ...
Season 1
Episode 39

1.38: #6 Ulysses S. Grant
Serving during the height of Reconstruction, Ulysses Grant fought admirably to bring the nation back together in an effort to fulfill his campaign slogan: let us have peace. But ultimately, Grants efforts would be largely forgotten ami...
Season 1
Episode 38

1.37: #7 Harry S Truman
Harry Truman ascended to the presidency in the wake of Franklin Roosevelt’s death in 1945. Over the next seven years, Truman would be faced with the daunting challenges of transitioning a massive wartime economy back to a peacetime footing in a...
Season 1
Episode 37

1.36: #8 Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson’s election as president in 1800 became the first time in American history power was peacefully transferred from one political party to another. Over his eight years as president, Jefferson would roll-back a majority of Fe...
Season 1
Episode 36

1.35: #9 James Monroe
James Monroe was one of the most qualified men to ever serve as president. His eight years in office marked the beginning of a new, broader American foreign policy within the Western Hemisphere, and witnessed the transformation of the cou...
Season 1
Episode 35

1.34: #10 James K. Polk
James K. Polk achieved more success in one term as president then most presidents have in two. But after expanding the nations borders all the way to the Pacific Ocean, Polk voluntarily stepped aside, leaving less-qualified men to try and steer...
Season 1
Episode 34

1.33: #11 Andrew Jackson
One of the most controversial figures in American history, Andrew Jackson's rise to fame was unprecedented. Rising from orphaned teenager to military hero, Jackson cultivated the image of a man of the people and used it to catapult him into the...
Season 1
Episode 33

1.32: #12 John Adams
John Adams was elected as America's second president in 1796 and was given the unenviable task of trying to fill the shoes of George Washington. Though Adams was able to achieve a high degree of success in foreign policy, his domestic policies,...
Season 1
Episode 32

1.31: #13 John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy's election sparked hope that a "new frontier" had dawned for the United States. But after navigating the country through multiple foreign crisis, mostly with regards to Cuba, JFK's life, and presidency, was tragically cut short,...
Season 1
Episode 31

1.30: #14 George H.W Bush
George Bush came into office with expectations he would carry on the legacy of the Ronald Reagan. But despite significant foreign policy successes, domestically, economic worries would prove too costly for Bush to overcome.
Season 1
Episode 30

1.29: Topics in History #2: Washington, D.C.
Why is Washington, D.C. not a state? And how did the city that became our nations capital come to be?
Season 1
Episode 29

1.28: #15 Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan ushered in a new era of American conservatism, changing the face and identity of the Republican Party and American government. Click here to check out Buzzsprouts podcast opportunities!https://www.buzzsprout.com/?...
Season 1
Episode 28

1.27: #16 Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton’s eight years in office established a period of economic prosperity and redefined America’s role in a post-Cold War world.Click here to check out Buzzsprouts podcast opportunities!
Season 1
Episode 27

1.26: Topics in History #1: The Electoral College
This Thanksgiving weekend, I decided to release the first Topics in History episode, explaining the intent and origins behind the Electoral College, and why it’s still relevant today. Click here to check out Buzzsprouts podcast op...
Season 1
Episode 26

1.25: #17 Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson's two terms in office saw the largest expansion of executive power and oversight since Lincoln. From banking reform to expanded rights for workers, Wilson's New Freedom agenda expanded the governments role in peoples lives more s...
Season 1
Episode 25