Bourbon and History
Welcome to Bourbon and History! In this podcast, historian and author Nicholas Kane combines his passion for fine bourbon with his passion for American history. From a series ranking America's presidents to episodes discussing interesting and relevant topics from our nations past, Bourbon and History is THE podcast for all things history.
Bourbon and History
1.42: #3 Dwight D. Eisenhower
Nicholas Kane
Season 1
Episode 42
The general-turned-president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, served during a remarkable transition in American history. After emerging victorious from the Second World War, the United States found itself as a global superpower charged with preserving and protecting the fragile peace won during the war against Soviet aggression.
After almost seven years of Harry Truman, Americans placed their faith in the general that had steered them to victory in the war, and charged him with continuing the booming economy that had begun elevating many Americans to new-found wealth and prosperity. As president, Ike would serve as his own man, often bucking party authority, and endeavoring to promote policies beneficial to ALL Americans.