Bourbon and History
Welcome to Bourbon and History! In this podcast, historian and author Nicholas Kane combines his passion for fine bourbon with his passion for American history. From a series ranking America's presidents to episodes discussing interesting and relevant topics from our nations past, Bourbon and History is THE podcast for all things history.
Bourbon and History
1.36: #8 Thomas Jefferson
Nicholas Kane
Season 1
Episode 36
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00:00 | 33:27
Thomas Jefferson’s election as president in 1800 became the first time in American history power was peacefully transferred from one political party to another. Over his eight years as president, Jefferson would roll-back a majority of Federalist policies and restore the nation to, what he believed, were its limited-government roots. But tensions with France and Great Britain would subsequently lead to a disastrous trade embargo that would leave the nations economy reeling in the final year of Jefferson’s presidency, and set the stage for war with Great Britain just a few years later.