Bourbon and History
Welcome to Bourbon and History! In this podcast, historian and author Nicholas Kane combines his passion for fine bourbon with his passion for American history. From a series ranking America's presidents to episodes discussing interesting and relevant topics from our nations past, Bourbon and History is THE podcast for all things history.
Podcasting since 2021 • 40 episodes
Bourbon and History
Latest Episodes
1.46: #1a George Washington
At long last we have arrived at the top president in the presidential rankings! As America’s first president, Washington faced the monumental task of forming the nation’s new federal government, and establishing the norms and customs surroundin...
Season 1
Episode 46

1.45: #1b Abraham Lincoln
Undoubtedly, Abraham Lincoln was one of Americas greatest presidents. From his dirt-poor upbringings, Lincoln would rise in Illinois state politics to become a U.S. Congressmen in 1847. After sparring with Senator Stephen Douglas in the 1858 Il...
Season 1
Episode 45

1.44: #2 Franklin D. Roosevelt
As the nations longest serving president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, or FDR, was forced to tackle the monumental task of rescuing the country from the depths of the Great Depression. After enacting a wide-range of legislative initiatives to rescue ...
Season 1
Episode 44

1.43: Topics in History #4: The Declaration of Independence
On this day 246 years ago, the Declaration of Independence was presented by the Continental Congress, officially severing all ties between the 13 American colonies and Great Britain. The Declaration, written mostly by Virginian Thomas Jefferson...
Season 1
Episode 43

1.42: #3 Dwight D. Eisenhower
The general-turned-president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, served during a remarkable transition in American history. After emerging victorious from the Second World War, the United States found itself as a global superpower charged with preserving an...
Season 1
Episode 42